Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas, Nasr City, 11351 Cairo

MHIS is an IB Authorized School

(+2) (0) 224 71 33 32 (+2) (0) 224 70 04 07 (+2) (0) 01004595449


Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas,

Nasr City, 11351, Cairo

Sun. to Wed.

07:30 - 14:30

Thursday 7:30 - 12:30

(+2) (0) 224 71 33 32 (+2) (0) 224 70 04 07 (+2) (0) 01004595449


Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas,

Nasr City, 11351, Cairo

Sun. to Wed.

07:30 - 14:30

Thursday 7:30 - 12:30

Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas, Nasr City, 11351 Cairo

MHIS is an IB Authorized School

(+2) (0) 224 71 33 32 (+2) (0) 224 70 04 07 (+2) (0) 01004595449


Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas,

Nasr City, 11351, Cairo

Sun. to Wed.

07:30 - 14:30

Thursday 7:30 - 12:30

(+2) (0) 224 71 33 32 (+2) (0) 224 70 04 07 (+2) (0) 01004595449


Hazem Salah Street, Ext. Mostafa El Nahas,

Nasr City, 11351, Cairo

Sun. to Wed.

07:30 - 14:30

Thursday 7:30 - 12:30

Our Values

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be the inspiration for positive change for our whole community by offering an equal opportunity to all learners to choose to be the best they can be, and to empower them to use their voices to help improve the lives of others, both locally and in the wider world.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to always put our learners at the centre of our decisions as we build a safe, open-minded and engaging learning environment which is dedicated to academic excellence through best-practice and to student well-being through gender equality, differentiation, self-reflection, social awareness, civic responsibility, knowledge, and personal growth.


رؤيتنا أن نكون مصدرا للإلهام من أجل إحداث تغيير إيجابي في مجتمعنا بأكمله وذلك من خلال توفير فرص متكافئة لكافة المتعلمين لتحقيق أفضل ما يمكن لأنفسهم وكذلك إعدادهم للقيام بدور في تحسين حياة الآخرين سواء محليا أو عالميا.


رسالتنا هي وضع المتعلم دائما في بؤرة اهتمامنا عند اتخاذ أي قرار بينما نبني بيئة آمنة، مشوقة منفتحة للتعلم؛ بيئة تهتم بالتفوق لعلمي من خلال الممارسة كما تعنى برفاه المتعلم من خلال المساواة بين الجنسين ومراعاة الفروق الفردية بين المتعلمين والتأمل الذاتي والوعي المجتمعي والمسئولية المدنية والمعرفة والتطور الذاتي.

Our Beliefs

Students learn best in a community where academic disciplines are integrated, fostering an appreciation of how they interact and form a whole.

Our Approach

Our approach to the structure of each day is based on key concepts rather than time. In a traditional school the day is divided into minutes by subject with little if any connection. At our school connections are at the heart of each day – the more, the better.